
Come to me

Invite you to the blog's page About team, get to know about people who give me a zone of proximal development in our workshop M4T-A.


  1. Lovely the way you have us all there on the "team page". I'm so pleased to be there with you. I'd like a poster of that, 11x17 please. YOU are an artist!

  2. Thank you Barbara, very pleased to receive such feedback from a true artist! You give me good mood this morning!

  3. Tatiana,
    I have often described myself as a technology missionary. How perceptive of you to pick up on that! I am amazed at how accurately you described each of us. You obviously have an amazing talent in your ability to read people and capture their essence. I feel privileged to have met you. Thank you!

  4. Hey Tatania,

    Thank you for your insightful analysis of the characters of the team members. You are right, I am keen to make a big impact. Getting people to find a dream job is a dream in itself. I am doing this work for myself too, I am looking for my dream job you see. I think my dream involves facilitating learning. I enjoy this kind of work. With Moodle you can reach a wide audience and you can get people thinking gand reflecting which is great. I look forward to seeing your Moodle work.

    By the way your written English is e c e l l e n t! Please join us in SL or Skype and we would love to help you with your spoken skills. As you have observed we are very patient and we want to hear your voice!

  5. 2Ruth
    Thank you Ruth, I am very glad that my impression of you agreed your inner feelings. In my view you are modern professional, because you're sensitive to the new challenges of integrative technologies. If before they are used for helping people to receive and expand their KNOWLEDGE, but now focus has shifted to the PEOPLE themselves, the holders of knowledge and unique experience on their communication and collaboration. So I understand the change in the meaning of e-learning.
    2Learning Facilitator
    Thank you Ian for your response. Unfortunately, I could not express my thankfulness to you and to Tom for yours fantastic work last week. The power of your influence on all group members was amazing. You have a lot of experimenting and improvising, it was a real learning JAZZ in the modern technology format.
    Thanks for the invitation to the spoken English with you.
