
In the way to MOODLE: pro et contra

The first week of participating in M4T-A at IT4ALL has already revealed a lot of perspectives for my professional growth and identified some points of risk.
I would like to start, saying that I am an experienced distance education professor. Nevertheless, Moodle has helped me to overcome the inherent difficulties of the first orientation stage of the course that is natural to the complexity of the content and structure of the new subject or discipline students are starting to learn.
Since I already have a previously designed academic course, I'm going to expand its educational and developmental opportunities. First of all, what would I add and update in my old course? Probably I should include more of student educational cooperation and collaboration (working in groups of 2 or more), possibilities to create educational projects in teams, expanding of the discussion audiences in exploring theoretical and applied problems of the course. What is most attractive to me, but still unlikely to be achieved at the moment, is creating training videos, video and audio-casting tutorials. But I see some opportunities with web 2.0 tools.
Secondly, the nature of the course development based on the constant exchange of knowledge and experience of group members of M4T-A under the leadership of moderators who are passionate about the work they are doing, creates a favorable conditions for learning. The mode of communication and cooperation, "supporting/helping relationships" among the participants create an amazing atmosphere of collective and motivated learning. How many models for imitation for us, Advanced Moodlers?!

Thirdly, what looks and sounds inspiring is the prospect of transferring the experience to our local students and colleagues. Perhaps that is why when selecting the theme for my blog, I immediately chose the image of a dandelion. This plant undergoes all stages of transformation, and at a certain time of its development flies, spreading the seeds around.

What restricts and stands on the way? The time frame of the program, for me 4 weeks is a very compressed period of time. I am still unclear about the ultimate goals of the course for me. My own English language limitations and being permanently employed as a Dean of a big school (School of Psychology and Social Work) are on the way to fully be absorbed in the course tasks and activities.
Nevertheless, I am very curious about seeing what I will get out of this Moodle adventure. But...knowing myself and seeing the talents of others, I expect to achieve Moodle results!

1 comment:

  1. Hey! I think Online teaching has become a very important medium of education these days. It not only enhances the level of understanding but also makes learning a wonderful experience.
